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Voice Of The Cedar - Digital Download
Voice Of The Cedar - Digital Download

Voice Of The Cedar - Digital Download

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Experience the magic of the mighty cedar tree!

This is an original song that Steve and Mike created to honor the flute itself. Cedar wood is the most popular wood that flutes are made from because the evergreen cedar tree represents everlasting life. It is like the creator (God). It always stays alive and always stays green.

Cedar is also one of the 4 sacred plants or medicines. It acts as a purifier and is used in ceremony. Cedar represents the northern direction on the medicine wheel. When cedar is burned it emits a pleasant scent. Cedar is not only burned but you can also use it to make tea!

Each flute has it’s own key, or as Steve likes to call it, it’s own voice. Over time as you discover all the different sounds in his music, you will begin to identify more than one flute.

This great track is part of the album, Prairie Paths.

You can be proud of your support for the Native American music and culture with every purchase because Steven's mission is to preserve that beauty in each of his songs, for generations to come.

Add this towering song to your collection now!